Thursday 13 February 2014

Prayer requests and waterfalls

Hey folks! 
I just wanted to take the time to ask for more prayer. It's been a rough week for my insides, I've been having a lot of nausea every day and it's getting really discouraging... I'm just tired of being sick all the time. It's making me homesick as well as feeling removed from community life here because I just don't feel good at all. 
Otherwise, life is going great! We went hiking yesterday and climbed up a waterfall (so tiring but so worth it... We were all a sweaty mess by the end). By the looks of that waterfall, we're definitely not in Manitoba anymore :) we're at the end of "Father heart of God" week, and it's been really good. Today we head to the beach, and tomorrow is Saturday so we have it free! 
God is good. Even though I'm constantly sick, even though life is hard sometimes, even though terrible things happen... God is big, and God is good. Pray that we would be able to cling to that as we enter into a week of lectures on Spiritual Warfare next week, and as we're all exhausted already! 
"And he will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you." 
Family hike to a waterfall... Aren't they adorable?? This was before we got sweaty and dirty and bitten :p 

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