Sunday, 23 February 2014

Monday Afternoons

Every Monday afternoon during lecture phase, we split into two groups. one group goes to do community service/outreach, and the other goes to the local old folks' home to hang out with them. the groups switch every week, so one week you'll do community service and one week you'll go to the old folks' home.
quite honestly, the old folks' home is one of the highlights of my week. I love going to visit them, hearing about their lives, their stories, and telling them why the heck I left my home to come to Australia for so long.
I grew up going to visit family in old folks' homes, even working in a seniors' home for a few months in my grade 12 year, and it's always been something I look forward to. so far, I've gotten to play dominoes with a lovely lady named Sheila a few times (one time she showed us a picture of her when she was young in a "legs" competition, competing for who has the best legs... she won and so she was very proud). today, I went into the dementia ward, and was incredibly blessed by the conversations I had there. the people I was talking to seemed to forget I was there, so I had to keep the conversation going most of the time, but at the end I moved over to join the two other girls I had come with and we talked to this lovely lady who asked us all about ourselves and how we were and where we were from. and she even seemed to remember our answers :)
this week, we have a guy from the sunshine coast teaching on the Bible. unlike I thought, he's actually a really young guy with this intense passion for the Bible and getting us to love it too. i'm excited to learn from him.
God is good :)

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