If you're reading this blog, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for the interest you've taken in my life. Thank you for your support as I embark on probably the most difficult 6 months of my life so far. Thank you for your prayer, it's kept us safe so far. Thank you for your encouraging words, they've gotten me through homesickness and a lot of doubt that I don't think I would be able to get through otherwise. And most of all, thank you for being a Jesus community for me, whether you realize it or not.
It's Sunday morning here, and since I'm up early (typical), totally ready to go, and have nothing to do for the next hour and a half, I decided to write a little update.
Week one has been difficult, but great. I struggled a lot with leaving my family behind, but they tried their best to make it easier for me (which included one of my brothers sending me 17 hilarious pictures while I was sitting in LAX so I wouldn't cry) and they definitely did. My mom snuck cards into my backpack (sneaky lady) which is like having a little bit of home and it's great. I've been mostly messaging them, as wifi isn't so great here, but I got to Facetime them once and that was awesome. I've been really enjoying living on base, it's really awesome living with many people from different places. Listening to how everyone talks and making fun of them is one of our favourite pastimes. For instance, Canadians say "SOrry" as opposed to Americans who say "SAWry" and it's really funny for everyone. Also the American "bahg" to the Canadian "behg" (supposed to be "bag" in case you can't tell).
We've started our lectures, our connect/TAWG times, our 1-on-1 mentors (Fort Garry youth! We get mentors! I just really love mentors!), our work duties... Everything. It's great. This next week we'll be getting into our full time schedule for the next 11 weeks and it's great. Yesterday, we did an "amazing race" around Port Kembla, and while the idea was good, it was way too hot to be running around, and my non-competitive spirit didn't like the animosity between teams. Also I got burned even though I reapplied sunscreen twice! Pffft Australia.
In the evening, I was playing a ukulele that belongs to someone who lives on base but is currently somewhere else in the world (typical YWAM) and this Aussie guy that's staying here for a few days on his way somewhere else went and got his guitar and we had a sweet jam session in the common room. It was so much fun being able to come together and praise God even though we're from different parts of the world. Also apparently my accent sounds cool when I sing. Who knew?
This morning, both dts's are on the way to the local baptist church, where we'll outnumber the congregation. they asked us to do the service, and since this seems to happen to me everywhere, I'm playing on the worship team. I'm really excited for it though, don't get me wrong :)
We've been asked to think about our "theme" for this season of our life. I posted on this a few days ago, but mine would have to be how God is a God of immeasurably more. God is so much bigger and greater then all we can dream of or imagine. We don't need to settle for anything less then God! How cool is that?! This season of my life, I'm going to choose to focus on trying to comprehend how great God is, and how much He loves me.
I guess that's all for now. I'm so blessed to be able to be here in Australia, serving God by using the talents Jesus has given me.
Thanks for everything! Keep us in your prayers, especially as we're really not used to the sun... And everyone is burnt. And slightly dehydrated :)
To our God who is able to do abundantly more then all we can ask or imagine. To Him be the glory forever and ever!
Cailey! I loved reading blogs where people type like they talk because it was like hearing you tell me all of these things and not just like reading it. Homesickness can be hard but I'm glad you are powering through and hope that you are able to experience the fun and adventure of your 6 months even during the homesick times. I look forward to reading more!