Friday, 7 March 2014

"It's not about you! It's about how God will use you in spite of your mess." | Week 8

Since I was little, I have always enjoyed sleeping. I was a content baby, rarely upset, that slept for so long my mom had to wake me up so i'd actually be able to sleep at night.
these past few years, I've still always enjoyed sleeping. always the first one asleep at sleepovers, to never fighting when I was instructed to go to sleep, to never being given a curfew when I was in high school because I enjoyed sleep.
last year on a missions trip/conference I went on, there was one day where I crashed so hard I called my youth pastor crying and he came to pick me up. not my finest moment, i'll admit. but it had been months of not sleeping well and that combined with about a week of less sleep then i'm used to... things didn't end well ;)
here on base, I go to sleep around 10-10:30 each night and wake up around 7:30. however, i'm EXHAUSTED! the only other time I can remember being this tired is from that mission trip. I forget how much being in spiritual battle is exhausting. It's hard not to fall asleep in lecture... or really any other time I stop moving really.
the reason i'm informing you on my sleep habits is because it actually has something to do with the title of today's post. The title is a quote from one of our speakers from this week (a married couple that lead a media team here on base). I love it because it's so true- it's not about me! it's about how God will use me in spite of my mess. in spite of how utterly exhausted I am, in spite of my total failure at life. He still uses me and will continue to.
today we got to watch some videos from the country we're going to on outreach. I am SO excited! God is working in the hearts of our team and we leave in LESS THEN A MONTH :)
again, if you want to receive my updates while on outreach, please send me an email at and I will add you to the list.
thanks so much! please keep us in your prayers. prayers for continued health and energy are especially needed. next week we have no internet access as we'll be at the base in Newcastle for a conference, so if I don't respond/don't post don't be worried!

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