Friday 14 March 2014

School of the Circuit Rider

So this week, we've been down in a city called Newcastle at the YWAM Newcastle base. There are a number of different dts's here as well, from Brisbane, Gold Coast, Byron Bay, etc. we all travelled here for a "conference" called "School of the Circuit Rider". It's run by these two guys, Andy Byrd and Matt Nelson, and the whole week is focused on evangelism, how to do it and where God is calling you. 
This week has been INCREDIBLE. The worship (led by a guy named David Brymer) was amazing, the speakers were so empowering and radical, and living in community with 250 people kinda feels like SOAR, except for we're from all over the world. 
Let's start with the worship. This guy David Brymer, he's this super humble, honest, vulnerable man of God. He managed to lead us into the presence of God so often, it was amazing. One morning, the band decided we were going to have no music, just voices, and David stepped down off the stage and put the mike down and joined us in acapella worship to our beautiful creator. A bunch of us got to sit down with him at the end of the week to hear his thoughts on leading worship, and it honestly just impressed me that much more. So humble and so not focused on putting on a show. 
Okay, the speakers- Andy Byrd and Matt Nelson. These two guys were so great! They brought the word of God and the challenge of sharing the Gospel in a real and powerful way, and I was so challenged by what they had to say. My favourite day of the week was Thursday, where we got to go up and share where we were putting our "stake" down as a kingdom builder. Some people said things like God was calling them to work with teenage girls, to make films, to learn to tattoo, to open a skate park, all this super cool stuff. People talked about going to certain countries, and learning certain skills. It was incredible! And after each person shared, we yelled "Heart and soul, we are with you!" To show each person that we were standing behind their call. 
I had actually been hearing from God on what my call was earlier in the week, but I wasn't sure if it was Him or what. However, it definitely was- God is calling me to be a mobilizer. To equip people with the tools to be sent out to preach the Gospel. Not to be the mobilized, the one going, but to be the one sending. This is a little more of a compass then a blueprint, but I know my direction. God is good! I'll be attending university in the fall, in the international development studies, and I'm so excited to see where God takes me after that! 
Today (Friday) has been rough, I've been feeling quite nauseous all day and in a lot of pain. I know Satan is trying to discourage me and it's working this far... I need prayer, lots of it. I am becoming a threat to him and he's trying to get me down which I won't allow! Jesus Christ is above all things, and in Him all things hold together. 
Again, if you would like to either watch our fundraising video or get my email updates on outreach (t-minus 3 weeks), you can send me an email at and I'll be sure to respond when I can. 
Prayer would be so appreciated, my stomach feels like crap and my body just hurts all over. God is still good, and prayer is still appreciated. 
Thanks so much! 

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