Saturday 12 July 2014

"Hey no fair!"

my first week at camp? check!
it's been an interesting week to say the least, including an unexpected position switch, a wonderful handful of a camper, two incredible co-counsellors, and a beautiful group of girls to hang out with. I got switched to being a 1-on-1 counsellor, hanging out with a great little girl all week, singing "do you want to build a snowman" and listening to her pray for extended periods of time. the week started off rough, as I wasn't expecting to be a 1-on-1 and wasn't prepared for the handful side of this great little girl. however, the rest of the week significantly improved and definitely turned quite great towards the end!
so now I have 2 days to relax before going back to camp for another week... though this week should be a lot easier, but not counting on that. what I am counting on is that God will bring me through it and that I will learn so much.

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